It seems that the Android is being left in the dust while the iPhone is gaining in popularity. However, more and better applications are being developed for the Android platform. Users can now access widely used search engines like Bing and Google. People are also downloading apps that are specific to a single topic or field. Among the most in-demand downloads are the Android apps for medical students and professionals. These Android apps are being brought online at a high rate. They are becoming increasingly essential for anyone who is in the medical industry or is studying to join it.
Perhaps the most versatile Android app for medical purposes is the Epocrates RX Pro. It provides many useful and convenient functions for health professionals. The app is like an electronic Physician’s Desk Reference, which has been used since 1946 to identify various prescription drugs. Epocrates RX Pro is similar in that it includes an index that is searchable for prescription drugs, generic equivalents, over-the-counter medications and even alternative meds. The app has an infectious disease guide with a detailed explanation of treatment options. It also includes an evidence-based disease monograph containing very detailed research.
The app is very user-friendly. The “e” button on every screen returns the user to the main menu with one click. The app looks terrific and doesn’t slow phone functions while running. In fact, on T-Mobile, it’s possible to search the Epocrates database while using your phone.
The layout includes a section for your most frequently accessed meds. You can save them with one click on the “Add to Favorites” button. This is a great feature for wards that normally only use a few meds.
Other useful tools include the following.
• Drug Interaction Checker- This app is very useful for late-night prescription changes. You can check for benign or deadly drug interactions quickly. The interaction list can be populated with up to 30 drugs. You can also view interactions for each drug from the Interaction Check List on the Drug Reference page.
• A standard feature of Epocrates is the Pill ID. It enables you to identify unknown pills that a patient cannot properly identify. The photos of each pill can be enlarged by clicking on them.
• You can also browse by drug class in the Drug Reference section. There you’ll find doses for adults and children, contraindications, pharmacology and manufacturing/pricing information.
The RX Pro package also comes with the Essential Points tool, which keeps subscribers current on emerging medical technologies and new treatment options. You can connect directly to pharmaceutical manufacturers. This has the potential to reduce multiple communications and enhance patient care.
Another Epocrates app for Android is Essentials Deluxe. It is also very valuable for those involved with the medical field. Users can search for thousands of drug or disease monographs and diagnostic tools. Essentials Deluxe is equipped with ICD-9 and CPT billing codes that are very helpful when computing a patient’s healthcare bill. There is an extensive medical dictionary on board to confirm any unusual medical terminology.
For those healthcare providers who like to try before they buy, the basic app, Epocrates RX, can be downloaded for free. It will give users a good idea of whether the advanced features are suitable for them or their company.